Data-driven wildfire spread modeling


Developed in collaboration between CERFACS and the University of Maryland, FireFly is a data-driven front-tracking simulator based on the assimilation of thermal-infrared imaging data, with the goal to improve wildfire spread forecasting for public safety and environmental protection. #environmental risk #wildfire spread #fire modeling #data assimilation #infrared data

While FireFly’s forecast capabilities are still at an early stage of development, it is envisioned that they will be similar to current weather forecast capabilities and that they will provide real-time fire forecasts using thermal-infrared imaging including a description of both wildfire dynamics and plume emissions.

Les actualités

Allô FireFly !

Ce sont les grands débuts du site de FireFly ! N’hésitez pas à poster des commentaires ! Le code source n’est pas encore disponible pour téléchargement, juste encore un peu de…

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